Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Discuss How Shakespeare Uses Language Essay

Discuss how Shakespeare uses language and dramatic techniques for character development in Act 2 Scene 2 of Measure for Measure. Shakespeare uses a variety of linguistic devices and dramatic techniques for character development from Act 2 Scene 2 to Scene 4. We see Angelo’s precise, business-like persona transform to temptation, and final cruelty whilst we see the true, confident side of Isabella as as she attempts to convince Angelo to reverse his judgement, but eventually loses her ignorant hope on the realisation of his true ‘purpose’. In Act 2 Scene 2 Shakespeare portrays Angelo as precise, intelligently dealing with the pleas of Isabella to save the life of her brother by reversing the death sentence that has been handed down to him. The scene begins with the Provost and Angelo discussing Claudio’s punishment. The Provost dares to ask Angelo if he really wants Claudio murdered, ‘All sects, all ages smack of this vice, and he to die for’t!’, and Angelo states that he does, ‘Did not I tell yea? Hast thou no order? Why dost thou ask again? ’. Shakespeare instantly uses dramatic technique of foreshadowing the conflict that is to follow through the sharp words exchanged between the two. Provost then asks what’s to be done with the woman he got pregnant, Juliet. Angelo still refuses to relent, and says that Juliet, who is in labour, should go to a more fitting place, away from everything that is going on ‘Dispose of her To some more fitter place’ Shakespeare’s lexical choice conveys his ruthless nature to the audience, in this context would mean ‘send her away’, but of course reading the text using more modern language; ‘dispose’ is an unpleasant word, especially when referring to a human being, where it seems incongruous, especially in reference to a pregnant woman, thus subtly foreshadowing the revealing of Angelo’s animalistic nature later in the scene. Angelo also calls Juliet a ‘fornicatress’, the harsh constanents of the name once again conjuring the theme that is constantly present through the play, that of appearance versus reality. Although Juliet appears from Angelo’s quick appraisal to be just a sinful person, her reality is far more complex; she is much better than most women of the time, she is not a prostitute or adulterer, rather her only fault was not securing a marriage contract before she slept with her fiancee. She is actually a woman of strength and principle, not the simple sinner that Angelo’s developing harsh, cruel character reduces her to. Isabella comes to see Angelo innocently, as shy as she appeared in her first scene at the nunnery, and begins to plead with him for Claudio’s life, ‘I have a brother is condemned to die. I do beseech you, let it be his fault, And not my brother’. Angelo is portrayed to be business-like and unrelenting, ‘Condemn the fault, and not the actor of it? Why, every fault’s condemned ere it be done’ but Lucio urges her to persist, encouraging her ‘Ay, touch him, there’s the vein’ acting as a kind of Greek chorus for the audience. She does, and calls upon Angelo’s pity, mercy, and moderation; she recognises that Angelo has the power to enforce the law in full, but impresses upon him that one must use power with moderation. Isabella’s strategy is a keen one, trying to persuade Angelo to have the same mercy for her brother that she has. Once again, the issue of mercy is urged upon Angelo, as is the theme of human weakness, which all, Isabella stresses, fall victim to. Her character is portrayed as increasingly canny, when she has to be; her argument is strong and persuasive, although it is not her argument that causes Angelo to relent, but his attraction to her. Isabella also touches upon the theme of use of power; ‘it is excellent to have a giant’s strength,’ she tells Angelo, ‘but it is tyrannous to use it as a giant’, making an allusion to ‘Jove’ to demonstrate her point – even the gods, with tremendous power, know how best to use their awesome abilities. This is another lesson that Angelo’s character must learn; for although he can use the law to its full extent if he wishes, he has to learn how to temper his power with mercy and heed moderation. Comparing the characters of Angelo and Isabella, one could argue that Isabella is ‘the symbol of goodness and mercy set against a background of moral decay’. Alternatively, one could see her character as self-righteous and hypocritical, as we later discover when she values her chastity higher than her brother’s life. Isabella continues arguing with Angelo until he finally relents and tells her to come back the next day to hear his judgement. Everyone leaves, and Angelo speaks a rather striking soliloquy, apparently talking to himself ‘†¦what art thou Angelo? Dost thou desire her foully for those things that make her good? ’. Thus, through Shakespeare’s staging, we learn that Angelo admits to himself that he is in love with Isabella because of her virtue and purity. Often characters in Shakespeare’s plays have soliloquies but they do not often refer to themselves in third person and when they do, it is often a sign of madness. Perhaps Shakespeare is suggesting this as a sign for Angelo. What is certain is that he is struggling with an inward battle between what he knows he should do and what he desires to do, as his develops and starts questioning the morality of his own character. It is with great irony that Isabella’s call to Angelo to mark the weaknesses in his own heart is answered by Angelo’s acknowledgement that he is tempted by Isabella. It is this temptation that brings from Angelo his first statement of mercy toward Claudio: ‘O, let her brother live! Thieves for their robbery have authority when judges steal themselves!’ Shakespeare shows how Angelo realises that with experience of one’s own weakness comes mercy for others’ failings; however, he soon ignores this lesson, and falls into hypocrisy in Act 2 Scene 4. In this scene, Isabella comes back the next day as Angelo had asked, and he begins by saying that Claudio must die. Isabella begins to leave, but Angelo begins to tempt her to save her brother, by offering herself instead. Isabella ignorantly misunderstands Angelo’s subtle sexual offer, and he is forced to tell her plainly that if she sleeps with him he will let Claudio live. Angelo accuses her of hypocrisy, and they discuss the frailty of women. In terms of character development in this scene, Angelo begins in a state of agitation, pondering why he cannot pray and with a new awareness of how the appearance of things might not be true to reality. Where before Angelo was unified in his intentions and actions, he has now become internally divided, ‘O place, O form, How often does thou with thy case, thy habit, Wrench awe from fools, and tie the wiser souls to thy false seeming! Blood, thou art blood. ’- questioning the power of authority, position and outward appearance to convince even wise men that false men are virtuous. Shakespeare uses language of coercion, ‘wrench’ and ‘tie’, and apostrophe – ‘O place, O form’ to perhaps illustrate the sophisticated and baffling nature of false appearances. Shakespeare also shows how Angelo is beginning to seduce Isabella with subtle and ambiguous lexis, but moving more and more towards blunt, harsh and animalistic discourse as the scene progresses. ‘I have begun, and now I give my sensual race the rein’; Shakespeare shows how Angelo has almost been possessed by his animal side. This is perhaps emphasised by the use of horse imagery, ‘race the rein’, as well as the use of plosives and dentals ‘fit they consent to my sharp appetite’, drawing attention to his teeth and lips, reinforcing his sexual lust and passion for Isabella. When Isabella enters, however, she meekly accepts Angelo’s judgement, but as the scene progresses she continues to find her voice. As Angelo descends into sensuality, she seems to become more pious and religously extreme, almost swapping roles with Angelo. ‘Th’ impression of keen whips I’d wear as rubies, and strip myself to death’ – Shakespeare uses images of love, death and falgellation to express her disgust at the idea of submitting to Angelo. Though the sentiment is spiritual, the language and images are highly physical, suggesting that her character would resist the carnal sexuality by yielding herself to more gruesome lovers: torture and death. Her innocence is also shattered by Angelo’s crass offer – she seems shocked to find out that justice might not be as perfect as it appears. Her naivety is gradually stripped away as Angelo easily overcomes her threat to expose him, and she sees that virtue does not necessarily triumph over iniquity. Yet, she still has ignorant faith in the honour of her brother, Claudio, and trusts that he will defend her honour even at the cost of his life.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

History Nightingale vs Seacole Essay

Do you agree with the view that Mary Seacole, and not Florence Nightingale was the real ‘Angel of Mercy’ during the Crimean War I agree totally with the view that Mary Seacole was the real ‘Angel of Mercy’ although I can understand why there may be some evidence suggesting that Nightingale warranted the title. Sources 2C and 2O agree with the view that Nightingale was the ‘Angel of Mercy’ whereas Source V gives evidence that shows Seacole deserved to herald the title.The weight of evidence clearly supports the view seen in Source V saying Seacole was the real ‘Angel of Mercy’ due to the provenance that surrounds the other two sources which support Nightingale. There is a lot of evidence to suggest that Mary Seacole really was the angel of Mercy. This is very clearly supported in Source V which describes her work in comparison to that of Florence Nightingale. Source V, which is an extract from a book called â€Å"The Victorians† written by A. N.Wilson and published in 2002, states how Seacole was very ‘attentive’ and was always ‘on hand for the troops’ so therefore of course showing Seacole in a very good light. The source was produced to show the readers what the modern day revisionist view is in regards to who the real ‘Angel of Mercy’ was and also how the work Nightingale did was minimal and had no positive effect on the soldiers. The author has clearly been well informed and has a strong agenda in wanting to play down the role of Nightingale in the Crimea.When comparing this to Source O, we can clearly see the difference between the Jingoistic and Traditionalist view of Nightingale being almost angelic and even like the Virgin Mary compared to the revisionist view where she is criticised hugely. Source O may have a very different perspective on Nightingale’s role during the Crimean War, however it is still valid as it shows the view point of British peopl e of Nightingale being a hero during Victorian times.Also, Source 2C is a traditionalist view and we now know that many of the things stated within it are false such as the statement that she ‘tended the dying’. Furthermore, Seacole has to be considered as the real Angel of Mercy due to the great efforts she made just to get out to the Crimea in which she had to pay money herself to get there. She was previously turned down a position as a nurse under Nightingale’s leadership, which it is thought, could be to do with the fact she was black.Her heroism was proven further through her setting up the ‘British Hotel’ in Scutari that tended to the troops. As well as giving them provisions when they were in need. In addition, we can clearly see the bravery she possessed from the fact she would minister to the wounded and the dying on the actual battlefield. She was willing to risk her life to save others. Seacole gave an honest recollection within her diari es of the things she did out in the Crimea and gave a description of her everyday life out there, which clearly involved so much hard work.The Times journalist at the time William Howard Russell, who himself was out in the Crimea, backs up the opinion that Mary Seacole was the real ‘Angel of Mercy’, stating how ‘she doctors and cures all manner of men with extraordinary success’ just going to show the extent of the positive impact she had on the troops during the Crimean War. Moreover, Dr Reid, a surgeon in the Army at the time, who states how he met ‘a celebrated person ‘who’ did not spare herself if she could do any good to the suffering soldiers, furthers Russell’s opinion.This once again goes to show the nature of the person she was and the impact she had which is seen in Source O. Therefore, there is strong evidence to suggest that Mary Seacole, and not Florence Nightingale, was in fact the true ‘Angel of Mercy’ d uring the Crimean War. There is also substantial evidence to suggest that Florence Nightingale, and not Mary Seacole was the real ‘Angel of Mercy’ during the Crimean War. To begin with, both Source 2C and Source 2O show a great deal of support towards the view that Nightingale was a hero and was the true ‘Angel of Mercy’.Source 2C states how ‘Florence Nightingale battled as valiantly as any soldier in the field to improve conditions’ giving us an impression as to the extreme effort she put in to helping out the British troops. It states how she worked with ‘incredible energy’ once more showing the amount of work she put in. This can be compared to Source 20 which also portrays Nightingale as being angelic and tending to the men for their every need. We now know that she didn’t actually treat the men herself and instead supervised whilst other nurses did this work. Source 2C was written by Denis Judd and is an extract from th e 1975 book â€Å"The Crimean War†.Judd clearly had an agenda to portray Nightingale well and perhaps hadn’t got the benefit of receiving all the evidence necessary to produce a completely truthful representation. It does however give us a perspective into the opinions people held until about ten years ago. Furthermore, there is a huge amount of evidence to suggest that Nightingale was in fact ineffective and perhaps even had a negative effect on the soldiers in The Crimea. This can clearly be seen due to the death rate rising to 42 per 1000 during her time at the Scutari between November 1854 and March 1855.This is clearly down no the filthy conditions that the hospital managed to get into whilst she was there with the floors being covered in muck and â€Å"crawling with vermin† which obviously led to many diseases such as gangrene and in particular cholera. Cholera was the disease that resulted in the most deaths. Before Nightingale arrived, we know that the c onditions were much better and were described as ‘sufficiently comfortable’ and ‘clean and airy’, but this changed and rapidly declined following Nightingale’s arrival thus meaning she cannot be considered as being the ‘Angel of Mercy’.This view is furthered from the fact that following the arrival of sanitary commission, the conditions changed for the better and the death rate went down to 2 per 1000. In addition Nightingale was very arrogant and jealous of anyone who competed with her and even accused Mary Stanley of ‘plotting to set up an opposition’, which never would have happened, had Nightingale not have turned down her help. This once again shows how she was not the hero that Victorian society thought she was as seen in Source 2C and Source 2O. Thus, there is some evidence to suggest that Florence Nightingale was the ‘Angel of Mercy’ and not Mary Seacole.However that evidence is very weak in comparison t o the evidence suggesting that Seacole warranted the title of ‘Angel of Mercy’. To conclude, Mary Seacole and not Florence Nightingale was the real ‘Angel of Mercy’ due to a number of reasons addressed. In Sources 2C and 2O, although they describe and show Nightingale being angelic and having a huge impact on the soldiers lives positively, they can’t be seen as true because they were written at a time where Nightingale was seen as a hero and people held a much more traditionalist view.This differs to Source V which is a revisionist view and was written by an author who was well informed in comparison to the ill-informed Dennis Judd and the artist who painted Source O. Overall, it is very clear that the evidence for Mary Seacole being the true ‘Angel of Mercy’ far outweighs that of Florence Nightingale deserving the name so therefore in my opinion Mary Seacole was the true ‘Angel of Mercy’. David Hughes-D’Aeth

Monday, July 29, 2019

Health Care Ethics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Health Care Ethics - Assignment Example The surgical group from Manhattan identifies the value attached to time that is why they have posted doctors’ schedule on their website, and it refreshes after every ten minutes. Current lifestyle has forced middle-class people to be busy time after time. Therefore, with a website that shows the schedule for the appointment is a win of their market. This will make both the patients and doctors to be time conscious and enhance the reputation of the surgical group. Renaming trade-off: If the practices are renamed to include River Valley Associates then the brand of the hospital will grow beyond its territory. However, this is a long-term process since it will consume a considerable amount of time for the brand (practices) to become famous. Not renaming trade-off: There will be confusion among the clients (patients) if the practices are renamed and in severe circumstances client will consider certain services are not offered in that hospital and opt going to another hospital. Therefore, by not changing clients will not be confused, and perhaps market the new practices to other members of the community. New innovation in a market always faces a challenge of breaking through the market, but how the challenges are addressed is what that matters. In this case of health saving account plan, some of the factors to be considered include; culture, and level of income. Culture has to do with the employees’ attitude towards saving and since this health saving for coverage, it should be marketed intensively. To overcome the problem of saving culture, the hospital can diversify the level of services based on employee’s capability of saving. This too will have conquered the challenge arising due to the difference in the level of income. Analyzing the cost implication of these two groups, the level of return will be a key element to be considered.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Disappearance of Coral Reefs due to Global Climate Change Research Paper

Disappearance of Coral Reefs due to Global Climate Change - Research Paper Example The research paper "Disappearance of Coral Reefs due to Global Climate Change" analyzes the sources of a disappearance of coral reefs since the global warming has higher devastating effects on coral reefs across the world. Large parts of coral reefs in various oceans in the world and the marine life supported by them are almost getting wiped away. The increase of temperature on the earth has been caused by green house effects. These are gases that are emitted from industries and later forming a thick layer in the atmosphere. This layer of gases allows ultra-violet rays of the sun to pass through the earth. However, the layer prevents the same rays from escaping after they are reflected by the earth. This leads to rising in global temperatures which according to the scientist, it has currently increased with 1.9 degrees. This has created a devastating long term effect of damaging coral reefs in the oceans. Researchers have indicated that about 7.5 percent of the world’s coral cover has been destroyed by a rise in temperature. Damage to coral reef has also been affected by ocean acidification that results from global warming. Acidification of ocean is caused by absorption of gases released into the atmosphere from various human activities across the world. Currently, due to increased industrial revolution, there is the higher emission of gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen monoxide, and other pollutants into the atmosphere. These gases form acids when mixed with water and in some situations form acid rain.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Way of Thinking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Way of Thinking - Essay Example Although critical thinking or reasoning or way of thinking seems easy actually it’s a tough affair, as it requires the natural skills like consideration, reflection and deliberation. However, in order to justify the various aspects of any idea, high level of intellectual talent and knowledge is required so as to arrive at logical conclusions. On the other hand, experience of the senses may not present accurate results, as it does not include any sort of evidence. Therefore, it might be stated that critical thinking or rationale is extremely essential to attain relevant and justified conclusions that may be accepted by all individual. For example recruitment of an experienced leader or manager in an organization is accepted by all in order to enhance its productivity and profitability.Such an idea is the desire of all, i.e. manager as well as the employees. In addition, reason may be used for synthesizing and evaluating varied information in an apparent and rational way, in ord er to enhance its quality of evidences. However, it might be possible only by scientific investigation of various resources and evidences so as to reduce the pitfalls. By doing so, the accurate and actual facts might be analyzed very easily and effectively rather than the experience of the senses. So, the way of thinking or explanation is considered to be the most trust-worthy phenomenon for any individual as compared to the experience of the senses.Furthermore, reason is considered as a mental procedure that may be used in order to attain purposeful and self-regulatory analysis and judgments. By doing so, the exact problem of any situation might be analyzed or diagnosed prior finding its solutions. So that the solution might be at-per with the situation and may be accepted and acknowledged by all. However, such a facility may not be attained in case of facts evaluated through experiences of the senses.  

Friday, July 26, 2019

Explore Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Explore - Essay Example Each chapter contains seven to eight selections that present themes in different angles and different life experiences. This work is mainly focused on illustrating one of the chapters, Prejudice and discrimination. The main purpose of this article is to illustrate how different authors, in their essays, wrote about prejudice and discrimination. These essays originate from various sources such as books, newspapers, the internet and magazines. Due to this variation, these essays vary in style, purpose and tone. Therefore, the aim of this article is to relate different ideas of the authors concerning their opinion on the subject matter by comparing their varying styles, tone and purpose. In the analysis of the essay, â€Å"The Word Police† written by Michiko Kakutani, the author uses definitions, examples and illustrations to support argument that language is on the edge of absurdity because people hide their true personalities and inequalities with euphemisms. He also states tha t due to euphemism, people are likely to distract their concentration from the main problems of prejudice and discrimination or injustice in the community. ... Furthermore, she used sarcasm in renovating words like, Superman and Miss in order to show her aversion to politically correct movement. Kakutani defined Political Correctness as a revelation of a more just and inclusive community whereby sexism, racism and prejudice of all kinds have been erased (Katherine 367-368). She further claimed that Political Correctness had a good intent though the methods employed by its activists to accomplish their goals were too extreme. This essay of Kakutani, â€Å"The Word Police† is a refreshing observation of a literally world policed by the P.C. (Politically Correct). She mainly poked the efforts of the P.C. police such as Maggio Rosalie the author of s Dictionary of nondiscriminatory language and The Bias-Free World Finder. During her mock, she mainly emphasized that the P.C. police efforts were over exaggerated. According to her, the excessive exaggeration of the P.C. contributed in complicating words thus diluting the message. From this essay, we can learn that accountability can be considered a worthwhile tool for the individuals who make every effort to better themselves. For that reason, the P.C. police efforts should be criticized and applauded due to punishing of many citizens abiding by language and for their keenness and determination to improved language mainly for inclusiveness respectively. Lakota Woman is another essay written by Mary Crow Dog that talks about prejudice and discrimination. Lakota woman is an autobiographic book of Mary Crow who was an Indian American woman. In this book, she tells the story of her life as an Indian American in the community of the white Americans. Mary

Cuban Missile Crisis Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cuban Missile Crisis - Movie Review Example The missile placement was being done as a means of deterring future invasion from enemies like United States. The result of Soviet Union’s decision was what became known as the Cuban Missile Crisis, which was influenced by different points of views held by leaders of the three countries involved. In this paper, the perspectives of the three countries are reviewed, as well as the result of the agreement reached between the countries. The review is done exclusively by using BBC’s documentary on the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. From the video, there are strategic and psychological analyses that the EX COMM makes to President JFK that come to represent the larger U.S perspective or view point of the Cuban Missile Crisis. From a strategic analysis point of view, the United States perceived that the Soviet Union had a motive of balancing forces to their favor so that the country would be freer to challenge the interests of the United States. But to make this possible, the Soviet Union had to have a capacitated force behind its remaining 50 ballistic missiles, which could range only to hit European countries. By placing the missiles in Cuba, the Soviet could have a closer range to target and attack the U.S. Indeed another strategic analysis that is perceived from the United States point of view was that the Soviet Union wanted to put the credibility of the United States into doubt by placing missiles at a position that can best be referred to as the backyard of the United States without the United States knowi ng of it. Then from a psychological analysis, there was a U.S held point of view that the Soviet leader Khrushchev perceived JFK as a weak leader from his inability to have firm positions against the Soviet leader in their 1961 summit. But seeing herself as the superpower of world, the US would not allow its voted leader to be taken for a weak leader who could not react to the missile laying in Cuba. The Soviet Union also had a perspective of the Cuban

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Governance of GAAP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

The Governance of GAAP - Essay Example tandards Board (FASB) is an organization behind GAAP, which was established to come up with the accounting guidelines for private sector companies to help them establish and improve the accounting methods used in preparing financial reports. These financial statements are then used by to offer information that is valuable in making decisions for investors and other users of the reports. The Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) has the role of ensuring that the stock exchange market operates in a fair manner for all investors by ensuring that there is no insider trading and it is an independent body used to enforce laws of the government. It ensures that trading is fair to all investors by ensuring that they are all provided with the correct information and that no one gets an unfair benefit in terms of knowledge of how stocks will operate (Office of Financial Management, 2012). The funding of developing and Enforcing GAAP comes from the federal government as it has the responsibility of ensuring that there is order in the field of accounting, and this is done by providing guidelines for preparation of companies’ financial

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Midterm paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Midterm paper - Essay Example According to Twain, if there was no slavery, then the war would not have occurred. Slavery was the leading cause of the American Civil War. The American author argued that the case would have been avoided if the South's protests against slavery took place earlier (Roderick 35). According to the author, the war was inhumane, and everybody deserved equal treatment. Question 2 Mark’s novel, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, is written with a negative perspective of the society. This is portrayed by the proceedings of the characters in the novel, as well as Mark’s use of symbolism to put across his views. The author illustrates the society as full of racial discrimination and slavery in order to justify the need for slavery (Roderick 35). For instance, Mark creates characters like Aunt Sally and Miss Watson who, although, are morally upright and religious, deem slavery as essential for life. This eventually causes people to dislike the book instead of praising Mark Twain. In â€Å"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer†, critics claimed that the plot of the novel had been copied from â€Å"The Vicar of Weilby† by Steen Blicher (Roderick 35). ... On curiosity, Ford took apart his brother’s toy just to see how it functioned, and after that, he put it back together. Ford was persistent in his work. He tried all the means even though he did not succeed many times. Ford was smart. This is because he designed the Model T car, the V8 engine, the assembly line and a vehicle out of soybean plastic among others (Roderick 76). Henry Ford was also strong since he created the Quadracycle from scrape virtually by hand. A successful trait of individuals in any field is their commitment to constant learning. Ford affirmed many times that the long hours put in studying and practicing contributed to enhancing his abilities and they never seemed like work when he was excited by his study. In his 20s, Henry was still working in another company, yet he found ways to enhance his machinery and tools even at work. Question 4 Henry looked outside of his given conditions for fresh opportunities and the possibility to pursue his likes, which we re not being fulfilled. Hence, his opposition to farm work led him to the point of an apprentice worker at the age of 16 (Roderick 77). Even when he went back to the farm, he followed this interest in engineering and mechanics to the level that he could work on his conditions. Ford was highly motivated to be an engineer. Henry Ford realized that he could sell more cars, and he could only trade more cars by restraining turnover and maintaining workers on the assembly line (Roderick 77). Ford’s treacherous $5 a day policy worked even though the general public was cheated, or at the very least inaccurately paid. It was a fair gesture by Ford. Job seekers were lined up every day outside the Ford industry for months after this

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Behavior problems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Behavior problems - Essay Example These graduate students were all part of the same master’s degree program and worked with parents of special needs children on a daily basis. The setting of the experiment was in a conference room in the university campus that was ideal for conducting the training workshops. The materials consisted of guide for paper training as well as several examples in form of pictures and videos. These questionnaires were filled by the subjects before as well as after the workshop so that data could be collected for further evaluation. Furthermore the measures for the study comprised of analyzing verbal, non verbal and written verbal behaviors. What were the results of the research? The results of the research indicate that all the participants of the study displayed the use of more support strategies above pre training levels when it came to role playing as well as written assessments. This was a result of mainly a concise3 hour training regarding communication skills.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Components of Reading Essay Example for Free

Components of Reading Essay

Impacts of Knife Crime

Impacts of Knife Crime Britain is in the grip of a knife crime epidemic. This is the impression one gets from the media: every week seems to bring new stories of stabbing and murder among city youth. But why are these youngsters engaging in such activity? This quote suggests that young people who carry knives do so protection, status and peer pressure. The media also plays a part by reinforcing the idea that everyone else is carrying a weapon. Finally, the quote claims socially excluded young people from dysfunctional families are more likely to use knives. The first part this essay will first give an overview of the labelling approach and social construction theory, it will then go on to consider whether young people are in fact engaging in knife crime because of the above reasons, or whether it is simply a consequence of the labelling process. The labelling theory devotes little effort in explaining why certain individuals begin to engage in deviance. Rather, it stresses the importance of the process through which society defines acts as deviant and the role of negative social reactions in influencing individuals to engage in subsequent acts. The labelling theorists shift their attention away from individuals and their actions and toward the dynamic of social definition that particular acts or actors are deviant. The first labelling theorist was Frank Tannenbaum (1938), he suggested the person who is labelled, subsequently becomes the thing he is being described as. Whether that label be given by those who would punish, or by those who would reform. In either case the emphasis is upon the conduct that is being disapproved of. The harder the criminal justice system works to reform the evil, the greater the evil will grow and the harder it will become to suppress the bad behaviour. He claimed the way out was through a refusal to dramatize the evil. The less said about it the better. The more said about something else, still better.   Taylor et all (1973) reinforced the labelling theory by suggesting that the way a stop will be put to deviant behaviour is: to create a society in which the facts of human diversity, whether personal, organic or social, are not subjected to the power to criminalize.   Sociologist Haword Becker(1963), recognised deviance is not a quality that lies in the behaviour itself but in the interaction between the person who commits an act, and those who respond to it. A good way to demonstrate this point is by referring to the study of opiate use  by the sociologist Alfred Ray Lindesmith, his findings demonstrated how a person becomes aware of their addiction. In essence it is not the drug that makes the person an addict, the addiction is a result of social definition. When others label them as addicts, then the person too comes to define himself as an addict. In other words behaviour is not inherently deviant or normal but is defined and labelled that way. So how does the labelling process work? Erikson (1975), the founder of the labelling theory, describes two main stages to the labelling process. The first stage involves primary deviance, which is the initial criminal act, after which a person may be labelled as deviant or criminal, but does not yet accept this role. So the person does not view himself as a criminal. It is this lack of viewing that separates primary deviance from the next stage, second deviance. Secondary deviance involves a status degradation ceremony This begins by a formal confrontation between the deviant and the officials, as in the criminal trial; this is then followed by an announcement of the verdict, and finally the deviant is assigned with a special role, like a prisoner which redefines his position in society. According to Tannenbaum (1938), formal proceedings signify the dramatization of evil, whereby the act is publically announced and defined as immoral. News of the formal sanction will then spread across the community leading to others also labelling him as deviant. The individual finally accepts the criminal label; their self concept is changed from normal to deviant. According to Lemert, This becomes a mean of defence, attack, or adaption to the problems caused by societal reaction to primary deviation.  This process can also take place in a more subtle fashion as well. For example, the family of deviant may become withdrawn and distance themselves from hi m in disappointment, regardless of whether a formal charge has occurred. Accordingly, the labelling theory suggests: if the individual accepts this negative criminal label that has been applied, they are then more likely to continue engaging in the behaviour that the label was initially meant to control. In other words the label leads the deviant individual to follow a self-fulfilling prophecy conforming to ascribed label, causing them to lead deviant careers. For example, if a person is caught carrying a knife, but is not apprehended or labelled as deviant, that person is more likely to forgo such behaviour in the future. However, if the person is apprehended and labelled as a criminal, then the person is subsequently more likely to change his identity as a rest of the exclusion felt by the individual from normal routines or conventional opportunities, and increased contact with the deviant groups. Having explained the theory, this essay will now interlink the labelling theory with the quote. The quote itself suggests most young people carry knives for: protection, status and peer pressure. The perceived need for protection is compounded by the sense, reinforced by the media coverage of stabbings, that everyone is carrying a weapon, as well as experience of victimisation. In terms of socially excluded young people from dysfunctional families are more likely to engage in knife use. For young people, the transition from childhood to adult can be rather confusing, their adult identity is not yet developed and so they often become bewildered as to their own position within society. George Herbert Mead claimed an individual develops a sense of self through how others perceive them, he coined this as the looking glass self. He suggested as children develop, they become more aware of their own social position and others around them, and subsequently become concerned about the demands and expectations of others and of the larger society. To demonstrate this point, he used a basketball game as an example, to show children, like basketball players, must take into account the roles of all players, as well as consider their own role.  [8]   This symbolic interaction to the study of deviance focuses on the process by which the wider social audience creates deviance and deviants by defining the acts and actors that way. The problem with defining young people as either knife carriers or knife users is that the term knife crime encompasses a very broad range of offences, and makes no distinguish between actual carrying and using. Furthermore, knife crime statistics are equally as difficult to quantify due to lack of clarity. The offences recorded involve sharp instruments these might actually refer to screwdrivers, broken bottles or glass, not a knife. Similarly offences listed as threatening another person with a weapon might involve sticks, rocks or other objects as well as knives. Furthermore certain types of knife may be carried legally if the carrier has a good reason, for example if it is work related, or for religion purposes. So there is some confusion as to who should be labelled when the definition itself is so br oad, a clearer definition is required in order to prevent sensationalised use of the term. If deviance is therefore just a label, where does the label come from? And how does the label come to be applied to specific behaviour and particular individuals? According to the sociologist Howard Becker(1963), moral entrepreneurs are often ones who create the rules about what constitutes deviant or conventional behaviour.  He believes that moral entrepreneurs use their own perspectives on what they believe is right or wrong to establish the rules by which they expect the rest of society to live, usually for their own political agendas. Furthermore, it has been suggested that these rules as to what is right or wrong are not randomly distributed across the social structure, but are instead more likely to apply to the powerless, the disadvantaged, and the poor. Because of existing stereotypes, which portray criminals as members of lower classes, minorities, urban dwellers, and young adults, individuals who belong to such groups are more likely than others to be labelled delinquent.   So the labelling process is a clear case of double standard, one rule for the rich and one for the poor. A perfect example to show this inadequacy is the recent MP expense row, those in power were stealing from the rest of society, yet their power enabled them to put the issues of youth violence, weapon use and gangs at the fore front, sending out sensationalised messages of a broken society  to exploit their own agendas. So the crime of the powerful is somewhat ignored by shifting societies focus on crimes of the middle and lower class. So is the quote correct in assuming knife users are generally from dysfunctional families? A dysfunctional family is one who has very few values or discipline within the household. An interesting theory to incorporate here is the control theory; this is concerned not with why people commit crime, but why so many refrain from doing so. It suggests those children who grow up with parents who exercise fair and consistent discipline are less likely to offend, and more likely to stay committed to conventional definitions of right or wrong behaviour. Those children who typically engage in knife crime or any other crime for that matter are said to come from broken homes, where they have not experienced love or care. Linking this back to the labelling theory, which suggests the powerless, low class are more likely to lead deviant careers, because they lack bonds with society and law. Subsequently, young people who have dysfunctional families within these communities will more likely conform to stereotypes they face. More so, if their parents informally label them as deviant which is very likely in cases of minorities from lower class; because they engage in more objective deviance.  This appraisal from the parent will influence their further delinquency. The quote also suggests the mass media also plays a part in ones decision to carry a knife, but is this true? Does the medias public labelling have an impact on a young persons decision to carry a knife around for protection? The media is one of the most persuasive features of society. The messages and information society receives through the media plays a huge impact on influencing their opinions and understanding. It sends out an image of the world as unrealistically clear-cut and understandable.  The media messages are in fact cleverly selected and edited, in order to offer identifiable values, interest and normative expectations. Stanley Cohen researched the social reaction of the Mods and Rockers disturbance in 1964; he claimed the media created a moral panic by labelling them as folk devils and exaggeration the initial events.  The original incident simply became an opportunity to exploit and enhance the social status of the moral entrepreneurs. In terms of knife crime or any other crime for that matter, the media is able to cultivate in their audience a belief that the larger social environment is dangerous and frightening, for example, when the mail screams that Shock figures reveal no part of Britain is safe as knife violence spreads everywhere, Thugs committing 350 knife assaults EVERYDAY, as blade menace spreads to rural areas, Britain on alert for deadly new knife with exploding tip that freezes victims organs, these are just a few examples to demonstrate the medias exaggeration. In the last headline, the knife was only sold in America, designed to kill sharks and bears, so no risk was being posed in Britain. But these types of sensationalised reports enhance social control, because the frightened audience are easily manipulated and easily accept what the media presents, and knife crime becomes wider and threatening then it actually is. The media has its good elements too; it helps raise knife crime awareness and also brings to the forefront campaigns against knife crime. The bad news is that the huge publicity devoted to raising awareness has the preserve effect of normalising it. The crime reduction charity Nacro, for example, argued: the suggestion that it is in any sense the norm to carry weapons is likely to increase the number of young people who do so, simply because they fear attack and wish to have the means to protect and defend themselves.  Furthermore the Mothers against Murder and aggression Wales found the way knife crime is portrayed in the news gives out the message that all teenagers are armed, which is a frightening concept, Almost everyone carrying a knife does so because they feel they have to protect themselves as everyone else is doing so.  So the media, like the labelling theory, labels certain groups of people, in this case young people, without any proper justification. Furthermore headl ines such as war on young thugs contributes to the concept that for some young people there is a war being waged against them and they be fighting back.  Furthermore the negative connotations of youths, when the vast majority are law-abiding, can add their sense of being under attack. As a consequence these labelled youths may begin to believe stereotypical beliefs surrounding them, or they may think that these beliefs exist based on their learned perception of what people think about criminals; fearing rejection, they may withdraw from interaction with conventional peers. Goffman (1963) suggests labelling can cause the interaction between normal people and stigmatized youth to be uneasy and embarrassing. These awkward experiences are felt by those who bear the stigma as well as those who do not. According to Goffman (1963 the very anticipation of such contacts can lead normals and the stigmatized to arrange life so as to avoid them. Therefore non labelled adolescents and labelled adolescents may tend to avoid one another in order to avoid uncomfortable interaction dynamics. Feeling isolated from the mainstream of society, and being locked within their deviant role, they may seek others similarly labelled to form deviant subcultures.  The deviant subculture will represent a source of social support in which deviant activities are accepted. A social shelter will be provided by the subculture away from those who react negatively towards the deviant status; it will offer alternative values, habits, interests and attitudes. So if an individual is labelled as deviant from society, then that labelled person is increasingly likely to become involved in social groups that consist of social deviants and unconventional others.  Tannenbaum and Becker highlight the role of deviant networks in explaining how public labelling can increase the likelihood of deviance. A final step in the career of a deviant is movement into an organised deviant group. The deviant group provides opportunities that encourage, support and facilitate deviant behaviour. These deviant sub cultures are made up of leaders and followers, solidarity of intention, clarity of purpose. These characteristics may seem positive in an adult world, even necessary for achieving adult identity and self esteem. However this hierarchy proves to be negative in terms of delinquent groups. Those at the top of the hierarchy, the leaders are often given a prestige status, one which would not be given in the mainstream society. With regards to knife crime, these leaders of the gangs side step the risk of being caught carrying a knife, by pressuring the younger member of the gangs to carry them, some as young as seven, this is often referred to as golf caddy. This often leads to an arm race among young people who feel increasingly threatened by peers carrying blades and so carry knives to protect themselves. So as the quote suggested, protection is rightfully a number one motive for knife carriers. Furthermore, young people will carry knives, out of respect, maybe trying to make a name for themselves on the street and gain respect,  so the status which they lack from mainstream society is obtainable within the subculture, To conclude, having gone through the factors within the quote, it seemingly appears that the quote is incorrect. The factors listed within the quote are simply all a consequence of the labelling theory. Society itself is quick to judge and put a label on everything, it was not so long so ago when gun crime was the cause of concern, and now it is knife crime. The term knife crime itself needs a clearer definition, so a distinction can be made between knife use and knife carrying. Furthermore, those who enjoy the power to label need to put an end to class biasness, as the powerless appear disproportionately in official statistics on deviance, which gives an inaccurate account of knife crime. Moving on to the factors themselves, status is something young people crave in order to develop their own adult identity. Once officially labelled through a status degradation ceremonythe individuals criminal status becomes their master status. The peer pressure elements falls into the equation onc e the individual has united with deviant subcultures, as peer pressure is part of the gang culture. The media also plays a big part, by publically labelling certain subcultures as delinquent. So all the factors form one vicious circle, which an individual will have to go through once labelled, This could be avoided, if the courts refused to dramatise the evil by implementing a system whereby minor crimes would not involve formal sentencing and the status degradation ceremony that goes with it. Instead a rehabilitative therapy and out of court settlement could be introduced in order to give young offenders the opportunity to reform and integrate back into society, not excluding them further.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Expansion Of A Vietnamese Fast Food Company Marketing Essay

The Expansion Of A Vietnamese Fast Food Company Marketing Essay PHO24 is a restaurant chain in Vietnam with over 50 branches operating worldwide serving tasty Ttraditional Vietnamese Pho noodles. Its a Vietnamese noodle restaurant chain belonging to Nam An Group, the biggest FB Corporation in the country. Apart from PHO24, Nam An Group owns and operates many other different FB brands including An Vien Restaurant, Maxims Nam An Restaurant, Thanh Nien Restaurant, An Restaurant, Goody Ice Cream, Goody Plus Ice Cream, Ibox Cafà ©, etc. Trung, 39, is the founder of the Nam An Group, the holding company behind the Pho24 fast-food chain, one of Vietnams most successful home-grown franchises. Armed with a PhD in business administration from Australia and a drive to get rich quick, Trung opened the first branch of Pho24 in 2003 in Ho Chi Minh City with the aim of feeding into the citys fast-growing foreign-tourist market. Pho24s unique blend of pho (beef noodles) and air-conditioned McDonalds-style dining proved equally popular with the locals, who now represent more than half of his clientele. Pho24 has grown into one of Vietnams largest fast-food chains, with 24 restaurants nationwide and plans to open another 73 across the country by the end of 2008. Trung is leveraging Pho24s local success into global expansion plans, with one branch in Indonesia, concrete plans to open restaurants in Manila and Singapore this year, and designs eventually to establish branches in South Korea, Japan, Australia, China and the United States. Foreign franchise invasion. Last year, 530 foreign and local brand names were franchised and another 811 franchises were transferred into Vietnam, according to the National Department of Intellectual Property (NDIP). Foreign fast-food franchises are slowly finding their place alongside the countrys traditional shophouse vendors, including the likes of KFC, Jollibee and Dilmah (a teahouse chain). Global brands such as McDonalds, Starbucks, Gloria Jeans, Pizza Hut and Dairy Farm are readying to make inroads once Vietnam accedes to the World Trade Organization (WTO), which is likely to happen next year. IKEA, Tesco and Wal-Mart have also reportedly examined the market. Trung views coolly the coming foreign invasion, asserting that his superior understanding of local market conditions coupled with the latest foreign management techniques will maintain his budding franchises competitive edge. The Pho24 logo reflects the number of different ingredients, 24, and the number of hours, 24, required to prepare each bowl of his signature beef-and-noodle soup. One day he also hopes all his shops will be open around the clock, that is, 24 hours a day. Trung was particularly sensitive to regional taste differences, something he believes big global fast-food chains will likely overlook when entering the market. To arrive at just the right blend of northern and southern taste preferences, Trung and family sought a culinary middle ground, less salty than Hanois version of the national dish, and less sweet and fatty than Ho Chi Minh Citys usual fare. With Pho24s success, Trung is conducting taste tests for expanding into other traditional Vietnamese dishes, including spring rolls and bun cha, for which he already holds registered trademarks for possible chains of Springroll24 and BunCha24. Synonymous with Vietnamese culture, Pho (beef noodle soup) is the national food. For generations, Pho has been Vietnams typical street food where people squat on little stools and slurp a hearty bowl. This restaurant has set a new standard of enjoying this dish by offering fancier setting with air conditioning and a more delicate tasting option. What also sets Pho 24 apart, is its ever expanding presence and branded appearance. Each of the restaurants looks and operates the same: stylish green walls, artistic photos, chic bench style wooden tables. If youre wondering how this place got its name it is because of the 24 tasty ingredients which make their pho consistently delicious! The first PHO24 outlet was opened in June 2003 on Nguyen Thiep Street, opposite to the prime landmark Saigon Sheraton Hotel. By June 2010, PHO24 has opened 77 outlets in Ho Chi Minh City, Ha Noi, Da Nang, Vung Tau, Nha Trang, Binh Duong, Jakarta (Indonesia), Manila (Philippines), Seoul (Korea), Phnom Penh (Cambodia), Sydney (Australia) and Hong Kong. PHO24 plans to open more stores in all major cities of Vietnam as well as in overseas markets, where there are extensive Asian populations. The founders believe that PHO24s business concept is unique but easy to multiply due to its small space requirement, low investment, standardized operational procedures, and most importantly, the top quality of the food. Ideas and Business concept PHO has been the most famous dish of Vietnam but it was only known as street food for many decades. Therefore, the founders of PHO24 saw this is an excellent opportunity to create a new business concept that meets the high standards but still preserving the traditional value. After nearly two years of market research especially the customers taste PHO24 has invented a unique flavor for PHOs broth derived from 24 top-quality ingredients and spices. This unique taste has been warmly welcomed by not only the customers from HCM City but also Ha Noi, Da Nang, Binh Duong, Vung Tau, Nha Trang and other provinces. The overseas market however will be the largest one. By July 2009 we have stores in Jakarta (Indonesia), Manila (Philippines), Phnom Penh (Cambodia), Seoul (Korea) and Sydney (Australia). In this August, PHO24   opened the sixth outlet in Jakarta Indonesia. Furthermore, In October 2009, PHO24 will be first introduce in Centre Business District in Hong Kong and the second outlet in Seoul, Korea will follow by. Japan and the United States are expected to be next destinations of PHO24 in 2010. In 2004, 2005, 2006 2007, 2008, 2009 PHO24 has been consecutively the winner of The Guide Awards voted by readers of Vietnam Economics Times, Thoi Bao Kinh Te Viet Nam and Tu Van Tieu Dung magazine.   In 2008 Pho24 was voted as an International Franchiser of the Year, accepted by FLA Singapore. In 2010, PHO24 is one of the top 10 Ho Chi Minh City One Hundred Excitements which voted by travelers. INTERVIEW QUESTIONS The external challenges facing Pho24 in their decision to enter China market Questions will be focus on a series of food scandals that shocked consumers and reduced consumer confidence. Are there any safety precaution measurements to be imposed on suppliers to ensure that contaminated products are shunt off from entering the supply chain? counterfeit and shoddy food products Is Pho 24 ready to inspect every supplier? Is there an established system for evaluating food authenticities? Will the company set aside an annual budget for quality control measurements? How do the company ensure that time and resources are not wasted when dealing with Chinese authorities? Will the company consider taking on local partners or consultants? What are the company stands GM food issues? Will in the company allow GM food such as GM crops entering the supply chain? Will the consumers be informed? If the price of the non GM raw material is more expensive than the GM raw material, how will you choose? The understanding of China market and expansion strategies China was formally joined WTO since year 2001, as such a lot of foreign company begin to search for their possibility to build their market in China, the giant food company like Mcdonald has established about 20 years in China since their first store open in Shenzen year 1990. KFC already about 23 years in China since year 1987 first store open in Beijing. As such, to ensure PHO24 enter the China market successfully and sustainable in China market, the understanding about the market and the marketing strategies become the most important element to be consider before the enter decision make. The China market was very competitive nowadays since they joined WTO in Dec 2001, from your previous experience in expanding international business, may I know what is your understanding about China Market? Especially from the aspect of political risk and legal, Consumer demand, financial environment, economy and culture. What is your entry strategy to China market? Whether by Franchising, Joint Venture, Green Field or Licensing. The global brand Food Company like Mcdonald and KFC already about 20 years in China market. How was your company plan and strategies to compete with their branch and get the market share from them? What is your company plan to position yourself in China market and what kind of customer segment your company targeted? What are your international marketing program strategies? Standardization or adaption? The important elements to standardize of adapt are international pricing, global branding and product development, International Distribution and International Marketing Communication. What do you think will become the barriers for your company entry and the challenges the company will facing in China market? Company capability to start-up and support operation in China How much the company is expected to invest in the China market to open the Pho24 restaurants? What is the budget the company is planning to allocate to the China market and how may head count that they are willing to employ for the 24 hours business? How much allocation is needed for training and support for the staff is needed to prepare the staff for their first year of the business operation? What are the sales patterns for a typical day, week, and month in a restaurant chain in China? What are the total costs to set up a Pho24 in China as China has huge population? Other questions How do you select and manage the relationship with your Chinese partner? We realized that Chinese beef noodle soup has gained popularity in China. How sure you are that Vietnamese beef noodle can further penetrate Chinese market? In your opinion, is it possible for a beef noodle concept to be as successful as traditional fast-food chains such as McDonald and KFC? What issues do you believe will be most important for your success in China for the next 10 years?

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Effects of BackGround Music on Phonological Short-Term Memory Essay

Improving recall has been the goal of many scientific studies (Higbee, 2001; Lachman, Weaver, Bandura, Elliot, & Lewkowicz, 1992). As a result, a debate surfaced on the best method to achieve this goal. This study chose to focus on only two methods, emotional state and emotionally arousing words. One’s emotional state or mood is important to consider when exploring memory, because mood affects one’s recall of information (Happiness-Levine & Burgess, 1997; Thaut & l’Etoile, 1993). Music, depending on the type, can help induce or change one’s mood (Rickard, 2012). This is important because, music is apart of many of people’s daily lives. Students, especially, listen to music while they study a task that relies on one’s memory. Beyond just exploring mood, this study wanted to look at what type of word is best remembered. Previous research (Doerksen & Shimamura, 2001; LaBar & Phelps, 1998; Zimmerman & Kelley, 2010) found that people tend to recal l and remember emotional words better than neutral non-emotional words. Building upon these findings is important because, if certain types of words were confirmed as inherently memorable then these words would be powerful. They could be used as powerful tools for writing memorable speeches, lectures, and advertisements. One’s mood working in conjunction with emotional words, could lead to effortless increase in one’s own ability to recall information A recent study by Ferguson and Sheldon (2013) looked at inducing positive emotional states in their participants using classical music. In their study, participants listened to either 12 minutes of an upbeat â€Å"hedonically positive† classical music piece or a slow â€Å"hedonically ambiguous† classical music piece. Their results showed that participant... ...ompany. LaBar, K. S., & Phelps, E. A. (1998). Arousal-mediated memory consolidation: Role of the medial temporal lobe in humans. Psychological Science, 9(6), 490-493. Lachman, M. E., Weaver, S. L., Bandura, M., Elliot, E., & Lewkowicz, C. J. (1992). Improving memory and control beliefs through cognitive restructuring and self-generated strategies. Journal of Gerontology, 47(5), P293-P299. Salamà ©, P., & Baddeley, A. (1989). Effects of background music on phonological short-term memory. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 41(1), 107-122. Thaut, M. H., & de l'Etoile, S. K. (1993). The effects of music on mood state-dependent recall. Journal of Music Therapy, 30(2), 70-80. Zimmerman, C. A., & Kelley, C. M. (2010). â€Å"I’ll remember this!† Effects of emotionality on memory predictions versus memory performance. Journal of Memory and Language, 62(3), 240-253.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Securing The Electronic Operating Environment Essay -- Information Tec

Purpose Operating systems, applications, databases, and other types of information processing systems are the core element for all business operations all through the private and public sector environments. Because no information system is bulletproof, nor is there any way to ensure complete safety while using any type of electronic device it is essential to practice vigilance at all times. Viruses, Trojans, worms, and other malicious tools are used daily by hackers at an attempt to compromise sensitive data and integrity of information systems. Without stable, secure applications and operating systems that have been updated with the latest patches, and tested for durability to provide a secure computing environment, the confidentiality, integrity, and availability to the entire domain and infrastructure are at risk. Differentiating between the good and bad is crucial to the protection of IT assets and personnel. This report will evaluate operating system and application security, methods us ed to verify authenticity, and reveal the most common vulnerabilities found throughout various digital operating environments. Digital information security can be defined best as the protection of IT assets and services against unauthorized access. An authorized user or service with legitimate permission to access sensitive data systems or applications may engage in malicious activities such as inputting incorrect data into the system to force others to repeat the same task over. Although these types of activities may not cause immediate irreversible damage to the infrastructure it still remains important to prevent such incidents from occurring before they escalate into something more serious. For this reason it is essential to not onl... ...mes - Politics, Breaking News, US and World News. Retrieved May 27, 2012, from Johnson, R., & Merkow, M. S. (2011). Security policies and implementation issues. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Operating System and Process Monitoring Tools. (n.d.). Department of Computer Science & Engineering . Retrieved May 24, 2012, from Thielen, D. (1992). No bugs!: delivering error-free code in C and C++. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley. Virtual machine Definition from PC Magazine Encyclopedia. (n.d.). Technology Product Reviews, News, Prices & Downloads | | PC Magazine. Retrieved May 24, 2012, from,1237,t=virtual+machine&i=53927,00.asp

World War I :: World War I

World War I, also known as the Great War, was a global war which took place primarily in Europe from 1914 to 1918. The immediate cause of the World War I was the June 28, 1914 assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, by Gavrilo Princip, a Bosnian Serb citizen of Austria-Hungary and member of the Black Hand. The retaliation by Austria-Hungary against the monarchy of Serbia activated a series of alliances that set off a chain reaction of war declarations. Within a month, much of Europe was in a state of open warfare. And World War II or the Second World War was a global military conflict, the joining of what had initially been two separate conflicts. The first began in Asia in 1937 as the Second Sino-Japanese War; the other began in Europe in 1939 with the German invasion of Poland World War I was fought by two major alliances. The Entente Powers initially consisted of France, England, Russia, and their associated empires. Numerous other states joined these allies, most notably Italy in April 1915, and the United States in April 1917. The Central Powers, named because of their central location on the European continent, initially consisted of Germany and Austria-Hungary and their associated empires. The Ottoman Empire joined the Central Powers in October 1914, followed a year later by Bulgaria. By the conclusion of the war; only The Netherlands, Switzerland, Spain and the Scandinavian nations remained officially neutral among the European countries, though many of those provided financial and material support to one side or the other. World War II was also fought by two major alliances, the Allied and Axis power. The AXIS powers consisted of Germany, Italy (changed sides and split in half 1943) Hungary, Romania Bulgaria, Finland (changed sides 1945) Spain was meant to be neutral but they helped Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy and sent troops to fight alongside the Germans in Russia. The major Allied Powers were Great Britain, France, the Soviet Union, the United States, and China. The fighting of World War I mostly took place along several fronts that broadly encircled the European continent. The Western Front was marked by a system of trenches, breastworks, and fortifications separated by an area known as no man's land. These defenses stretched 475 miles and precipitated a style of fighting known as trench warfare. On the Eastern Front, the vastness of the eastern plains and the limited railroad network prevented the stalemate of the Western Front, though the scale of the conflict was just as large.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

How does Alton Towers Monitor Customer Service Essay

Alton towers is an industry that offers products and services that are similar to its competitors, they need to continually monitor and asses their levels of customer service, and improve areas so that they can exceed customer expectations. To have a high level of customer service the organisation first needs to identify its aims and objectives this might come in the form of a mission statement. Alton towers mission statement is ‘we create magic moments’ this appeals to people of all ages, and different groups of people, what people look for when they go to Alton towers. Like many other businesses and services it is vital to keep customers happy regardless weather they are old or new, this will encourage them to revisit the attraction. People from different back grounds and ages Price or value for money Alton towers costs à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½23.00 for one adult ticket, so when you purchase the ticket you expect to get value for money which is different for different people, one persons value for money might be fun for the whole family (adults, children and teenagers) another persons value for money might be to visit every ride in the theme park twice. So Alton towers needs to take in consideration that everyone’s value for money is different but cannot lower there prices to low due to competitive organisations and the annual funding needed to keep the park open, so what Alton towers have done is printed off booklets informing people of the prices and opening times of the theme park, height restrictions on rides seasonal times (the time of year that the park is most popular) online information and website from this booklet people can see. When to visit, what time to visit, how much they are going to pay and what rides they can/can’t go on and see if Alton towers offers better value for money than Drayton manor park. Consistency and accuracy of the park If customer receive a good amount of customer service while at Alton towers and this continues each time it encourages people to revisit again and again, Alton towers is forever trying to improve its standard of customer service and rides to make it more enjoyable for people, they are now trying to improve the waiting lines so that rides are easier to access and the lines go down quicker. Accessibility Alton towers have a very good accessibility due to the high amounts of people arriving and departing from the park. Alton towers has increased there car parks so that they can now hold up to 50,000 vehicles a day if the accessibility is bad then customers will assume that it is like this all around the park, there are also ramps to help people who cannot walk up steps or are in a wheelchair, rides also let wheel chair users access the ride from the exits which are also ramped so that access is more easier. Reliability If Alton towers is unreliable then people are influenced to try another theme park. But Alton towers is not unreliable this is what attracts customers to come back, they keep there internet and brochures up-to-date and let customers know what is going on around the park this is reliable because if they where closed one day and they didn’t advertise it lots of people would still turn up at the theme park expecting to get in. Staff At Alton towers they employ the best staff that are trained to deal with the high expected levels of customer service, staff all where a uniform this to ensure that they remain clean and recognized Alton towers also employs over 1500 members of staff and they are all divided to work over different areas of the park to help with customers In busy periods e.g. over the summer Alton towers employs more ‘casual staff’ that can handle high amounts of customers and that can deal with them in an appropriate manner Health and safety If the health and safety of the park is poor the customers will not visit again but if the high standards are noticeable then they will enjoy there visit a lot more, at Alton towers rides have regular maintenance checks and are run in the morning before the park opens to ensure that there are no faults. Cleanliness and hygiene The cleanliness and hygiene standards of Alton towers is essential if the park looks unclean this gives a really bad first impression when the customer see it , the park has been given hundreds of bins, there are also designated litter pickers that patrol the park every 15 minutes, toilets that are all around the park are monitored every 40 minutes to ensure they remain clean and tidy. Enjoyment The main objective at Alton towers is to make everyone’s day (who visits the park) is to make is as enjoyable as possible, they do this by trying to get lines and queues down as quick as possible, offering people fast track system so the can skip the queues, more fast food restaurants are being introduced this will help to the long queue’s that

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Leonardo Da Vinci and Pierre Renoir Comparative Essay

The dickens renowned artists da Vinci Da Vinci (1452-1519) and capital of South Dakota Auguste Renoir (1841-1919) are both good fiber models for the progressing art society further when examine these two gifted men it is transparent that their artworks both relinquish a variant mental object to the ravishers and are portray using different art techniques and equipment. da Vinci, native to be known as the pilot softly of a reincarnation man, was an Italian rougeer, inventor, mathematician, writer, and engineer.He was explicitly known for his realistic, geometrically designed and religiously inspired characterisations. Renoir, however, was a french man who devoted his life to tuck the impressionist flare to the art community. As a true worshiper of natural beauty and distaff aura, Renoirs headstoneing symbolized the entire liveliness of French farming and European scenes. da Vincis style of painting was influenced greatly during the formation of the metempsychosis period that first emerged in Italy during the fourteenth to the 17th century.It was a new maculation in which European scholars craved for great knowledge of medieval times and Italy was their simple source for it contained the great art and architecture of Rome and held manuscripts that scholars studied to learn the lives of the proto(prenominal) Romans and Greek. Thus most themes of Leonardos paintings portray religious beliefs and mythology. Its art go around in finished images comparable to creation and the color conservative, meeting strokes concealed, leaving no trace of the artists emotions or techniques. Impressionism, however, opposed the entire concept of Renaissance art.Initiated by French artist, Claude Mvirtuosot during the late 1870s in France and soon followed by more(prenominal) painters one of which leading them is Pierre Auguste Renoir, conflicted the techniques of French art Schools and ignored their Euclidian perspectives and took benefit of the indu strial revolution. The industrial revolution brought the popularity of the camera, coat tubes were invented and so paint was achieved in a fast to that extent cheap way, stack had more leisure time and places much(prenominal) as parks, malls, stores, circ engages were slow established.Painters corresponding Auguste Renoir had more musical theme matters and the opportunity to paint and find out the fleeting moment of clean-living immaterial instead of relying on their memory and paint inside a studio. Most of Leonardos buyers are wealthy church organizations such as the Catholic perform that mensurate realism as they leave use them as either for cathedral decorations or another image exemplary for worshiping. During the Renaissance period, if a protagonist is voluntary to buy for an artwork, he or she controls the subject matter, the completion date, the materials used and a pock payment.Artists were alike required to argue prior plans to be approved by the patr on before the actual artwork was multicolored. Renoir, however, had buyers that comprehended his colorful artworks for the purpose of house decorations or family portraits. Artists like Renoir had more liberty in exhibiting and selling their works. Artists like Renoir painted outdoors and so pack had the chance to postdate how they capture the scenery in guinea pig up of them thus, making it easier for them to be recognised. Renoir and Leonardo character different subject matters in their paintings yet they both possess the ability to blind the viewer.Leonardos inspiration revolve mostly in faith which he greatly portrays in St backside the Baptist where St commode wears pellets and animal skin season holding loosely a reed ply with a cross at one end and uses his right pass off to propose up a feminine hand to heaven. On the other hand, Renoirs heat relied on his deep adoration for feminine sensuality which he greatly conveys in Nude in Lanscape where a raven, b ring up length tomentumed, naked woman sits on a rock covered with a long albumin sheet that she as well uses to wipe her left ankle.The womans personify is facing sideways only if her whole shell is seen as she looks descending(prenominal) on the withering grasses. The scene is in a tiny forest during a lazy Sunday afternoon. Upon staring(a)ly canvass these two artworks it is evident that the two artists use different colour schemes and art techniques in order to direct the theme of their artwork. Leonardo portrays St Johns wavy, curled hair in an glowing reddish dark- embrown colour to imply shadows while a modify pinkish brown to show a tint of shininess.Leonardo also provides an empty, darkish background to achieve prejudicial space in order to raise his use of chiaroscuro on St Johns face and right arm. St Johns innocent, auburn eyes are change due to the heavy amount of scandalmongering light coming from the foreground. St Johns pale lips are curled mysteriou sly giving the viewer the impression of whether he is pure good or evil. Renoir, on the other hand, uses a dark brown colour with short strokes of a midnight full-bodied colour instead of black to change it.Renoir provides a vibrant background by using a chill out orangeness to show shadows from the overlapping grasses and warm white-livered to show the effects of light on the tree trunks and the withering grasses. The neutralized green on the trees foliage recede. The womans ashes is colourish due to the amount of yellow light but her face is darkened. The highlights on her body are white. He uses cool purple to show shadows on the white sheet and the shallowness of the lake while a warm red on her body especially on her chubby breasts, sparse back and rosy cheeks to create a sense of form.It also makes the cool colours contrast with warm colours. The artists however both use communicative lines to implicate movement but nonplus used them in different subjects of their p aintings. Leonardo uses sign(prenominal) lines to show the liveliness of St Johns hair and contour lines to impeccably form St Johns realistic face, muscular right arm and while using the technique sfumato (which means applying diaphanous layers of colours) Leonardo was able to achieve a feeling of a three dimensional shape to the viewer finished with a smooth surface.In contrast to Renoir who uses short, thick, gestural lines to show the continuous movement of his brush strokes in the entire painting providing a simulated texture. He applies wet paint to wet paint without waiting for the sequent applications to dry, producing softer edges and intermingling of complementary colours Leonardo and Renoir sell equal importance for how equaliserd light and dark are in their paintings. The intense dark background and the vibrancy of ellow light on St Johns face and arm provides a symmetrical balance and value contrast that can easily make St Johns face the emphasis and focal area. Co nversely, Renoir uses the trees surrounded by deep shadows to poise the womans plump body in an lopsided balance of optic elements. Her face like St John also is the focal area in which the strongest light and dark value contrasts. St John the Baptist and Nude in embellish are both oil paintings. tho St John the Baptist was painted on walnut wood using tempera paints while Nude in Landscape was painted on canvas using the bonnie metal tube paints.St Johns pointing gesture towards the heavens shows the complete message of the painting that baptism which St John symbolizes is important in order for a gentlemans gentleman be to gain salvation. In Nude in Landscape, Renoir has the sole intention of conveying to the viewer his great love for portraying nude statue women and how he sees the fleeting changes of light on their tender flesh. Leonardos craze for portraying religious characters or biblical matters showed the universe the great importance of religion and how it shoul d never be forgotten.He portrays his figures in a realistic manner to show viewers his great understanding of the human anatomy and how science and its necessity for thorough observation are related to art. Renoir, however, paints not to share a message to the world but rather show people the majestic effects of light in everything and to remind people that art is not a competition for talent, observation and fame but rather a deep visual expression for ones perspectives and feelings in life.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Marketing Plan: Product and Performance Essay

Marketing Plan: Product and Performance Essay

As individuals become more conscious of your product, make certain they have easy to not only your own product, but to information concerning the item also.The cellular phone is easy to carry, manages schedules, and can perform all the business related tasks. The size itself has become important apart from mobility. The concept that we how are launching is of a radio and music player which is latest in the sense that you can wear it as a fashion accessory. Radio is considered to be one of the most important media apart from television and internet.The item needs to be technologically feasible.20 are extremely popular within the target market. The major target market for our product is the age between 15 and 26. According to the statistics, 30 million Pakistanis how are aged between 15 and 24. Considered in the context of total population (approx.

Think beyond the box, if you wish to launch check your merchandise into the market with a bang.This generation is the technologically accessorized generation, with everything hanging from their clothes, from cell phones to CD players, and computers are a way of life. This is a branded generation, brand names, association with the great life and other different symbols are important. The emerging concept of brand association amongst teens and adults, and awareness will make our product more appealing to the customers. Our Primary objective is to achieve get our product recognized and make the consumers to get performance of the product way much better than their expectations.For instance, you might provide a product that is quality that is high at even a support that is flexible or a premium cost.The higher secondary data for our assignment came from the internet, newspapers and magazines.Current Market Situation:The current market situation is that from the cheapest of cellular phones to the most expensive, every smart phone has at least a radio in it that works from earphones that do the job of an antenna or the smart phones carry wireless radio connectivity. Other than that most phones have music players. In such a market where mobile phones are treated as a necessity from quite a long while we’d enter with a product that has a awful lot of internal memory, long batter and works hand in hand with the fashion.

Even if your merchandise is the most recent economic advancement in the business it is likely to result in complete failure if theres no effective route to get to the target group of consumers.The basic concept that we are launching is of an earring radio and music player which is latest in the sense that you can abrasive wear it as a fashion accessory. We are  launching it under the brand name LAPCA. Radio is considered to be one of the most important media apart from television logical and internet. The major source in use during cricket matches, exercising in the morning and during traveling for work or school.Paid political Advertising How you promote your product is as vital as distribution.People would not need to get their ears pierced to wear long earrings and we bring music player and radio attached to such a small earpiece that would not be noticed much (like the other offerings of attached Bluetooth insert earphones that appear too large).Objectives and issues:Incr ease the profits by at least 10% in the first year of the launch. Issue: How to significant increase the awareness amongst customers about this product?To create 10% market share for the product and to work to improve it further. Issue: What great measure to take to identify the potential customers of the product in the market?To identify 5 potential outlets where to place the product initially.

Each approach good will be different consistent with service or the merchandise youre offering.We will market our product through multiple segment strategy, as we are be targeting GEN X and GEN Y belonging to upper class and upper middle class of our society. Through integral multiple marketing, Moby X can achieve market position as because it is a product which provides mobility, style and fulfills the needs of the consumers.Moby X is a part of the clinical most reliable and trusted technologies belonging to LAPCO which is using Japanese latest technology in it which would further strengthens the reputation it would acquire. Now days, how there is a growing trend of adopting the inimitable style which people will definitely feel after purchasing the product.Following that, you ought to be aware of customers will assign to your merchandise.Market Positioning:Moby X has been positioned in the customers mind as a part of their lifestyle it impeccable suited their personality. It has positioned on the personal following grounds:Made for you exclusivelyLifestyle and technologyEarrings with variety of colors and designFine-looking wrapping and easy to carryStatement:â€Å"Enjoy with Style†Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Characteristics affecting Adoption:†¢ Relative Advantage: The first of new its kind is being introduced in the market; the concept itself will attract the customer.†¢ Compatibility: Moby X higher range of frequency will make it easier to add main channel and thus more value to the product. Secondly, memory of 20GB to carry your songs and making of playlists.

Marketing is a fundamental important part of business achievement.Age:Our product caters to women ranging from age 15-26 yrs old. Moreover, through our advertisements we have portrayed an active woman who is cold working out or busy in kitchen chores.Occupation:Moby X targets women belonging to each and every type of occupation whether it is a housewife, student logical and working women.Income:Our product Moby X caters to upper class and upper middle class.At times it is helpful to look at recent publication marketing as what it is actually a enterprise.SWOT AnalysisStrengthensBeing first of its kind to be launched in the marketThe smaller sizeThe mobilityThe attractive package and demo included in the gadgetThe exquisite location of electronic gadget’s other outlets in different mallsEasy to useIn accordance with the latest fashionAttractive mix of radio and music player hand in hand as a same fashion accessory Japanese technology, one of the most reliable manufactures WeaknessLimited warrantyRequires proper maintenanceBatteries are to be charged according to usage level thus requires cost to keep the little gadget workingOpportunitiesThe customers are fond of accessories which can help extend our accessories from earrings to rings, bracelets and necklace fair Hearing radio can replace the care tapes as being mobile and fashionable in nature Being a new product creating a new market the competition is minimized to a first great extent The distinctive attributes will outweigh the element of high price The opening of the new malls throughout the country with better electronic outlets will provide a better location to display the gadget There is an opportunity for line extensionNew technology is in its growing stage which helps attract customers with new its distinctive attributes The interests of teenagers in acquiring latest technology will further increase the market share Computer system placed at the electronic outlets could self help provide fr ee demos of the product at the outlet A survey at the outlet about the buying experience of the product and after sale experience can great help make the product more effective and increased customer satisfaction The smaller size and mobility if appreciated could provide line extension for the productThreatsThe electronic market is still under developed in PakistanThe fluctuating electronic logical and political conditions of the country can hinder the sale of the product Less awareness amongst the public about the electronic items The training of sales person for the productCompetitors can come up start with a similar and better product before our product is established The higher price of the product could lead to duplicate products in the market The health conscious people could negative resist the productThe fashion conscious people may not take the initiative to buy the productThe analytical buyerMarketing Environments (PEST ANALYSIS)Political:The fluctuating political environm ent in the country can be dangerous. Since the gross product being developed is manufactured in another country the support of the government is required to keep the government conditions in import and export stable logical and to strengthen relationships with the other country to grow the business further. Economical:The product that is being launched is an expensive product the economic conditions will determine the national income or the buying power of the consumer which indirectly will determine whether the people would be willing on the products that are not part of their basic needs.Social:Since the product is an earring radio and music player which would be fixed in an earring placed quite close to the ear can be considered as dangerous unlooked for the ear.

Your marketing program should begin with an executive summary.Moby X direct competitors are small radios (ear piece) and new mp3 players that can fit in ear easily.COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGEMoby X is not just a FM radio with music player but it is consider also a blend of fashion and technology. Long lasting Japanese battery gives it an edge over other mini radios logical and music players that have maximum life of 2-48 hours on continuous use. Providing maximum FM band range from 87-108 MHz among new its competitors who offer mini radios with FM band 88-108 MHz Furthermore, adding value to the music player with 20GB built-in memory which wouldn’t look small for at least 10-15 years from now.You want a marketing program, to increase your organization.Channel and former logisticA value delivery network is made up of the company, suppliers, distributors and ultimately customers. Here will be a layer of intermediaries that good will perform work in bringing our product and its o wnership closer to the final buyer. For our earring local radio and music player we will have both a direct and indirect marketing channel. We will have a customer marketing channel.

Marketing own plans are included in business plans, offering data demonstrating investors the way the corporation will increase and first and foremost how they how are going to guarantee a return on investment.LEVELS OF PRODUCTCore ProductMoby X provides a solution to its users that connect them to the global world and at the thk same time add value to their beauty. It is smallest in size but greater in quality and style that’s what the consumers want. Actual ProductMoby X, an earring radio and a music player.Augmented ProductCustomers are provided with the free demos of the product on computer system installed at the outlets and for further understanding, instruction booklet is also provided with Moby X.In addition, it can be explained as a method which helps a business to choose the best common use of its assets to achieve corporate aims.PRODUCT COMPOSITIONProduct Quality:Moby X works great, everywhere in the world, under brand name LAPCO using Japanese microchip techn ology logical and providing the FM band from 87 to 108 MHz’s Stereo-sound is really excellent plus 3-years money back warranty is also given. Product Features:Push-button Auto Seek new Microchip Technology so you can immediately and perfectly tune in stations (Automatic FM Tuning).Provides high quality stereo sound.Long last many Japanese battery included.

Seemingly, however good it is, a plan cant implement itself.Ideal for use in parties, sports, travels, hiking, working, Jogging, bike riding, boating, fishing, picnics, reading, camping, skate boarding, gift giving, foot and vehicle surveillance, to pass the time while waiting for subject, anywhere, everywhere, in the form of earring as simple microchip (radio). A music player main memory of 20GB built-in.Product Style and Design:It comes in many splendid colors with different style for female. It is designed in a way so as to increase portability.The advertising program would then summarize the objectives which need to be achieved in order to achieve the fifteen percent increase.Packaging:Moby X what comes in a square and heart shaped gift box.Labeling:All the important information is mentioned on the label. The label contains the name of the product, name of the manufacturer and distributors, warranty limit, warnings, guidelines on usage.Product Support:A booklet on guideline s regarding the product is provided with Moby X.

Done properly, your advertising plan is currently going to be the detailed roadmap you follow enhance the achievement of your company and to acquire customers.The price is aligned with other marketing mix covering the promotion, placement and product.Cost:The political organization has tried to achieve economies of scale but not the cost of quality. The cost is being monitored and is kept to a minimum by choosing the best second deals given by the supplier and managing the cost accordingly.Organizational Considerations:The price set has been influenced by different functions of the organization including the finance, manufacturer, sales logical and marketing and the higher  management.With your promotion plan bundle, you will have the ability to construct a advertising and marketing program.44ZI AM Radio Rs. 8405Tiny FM Radios (China Toy Factory Inc)Rs.1200Mini Mp3sRs. 1500 (starting from)Competition Based Pricing:We are following the growing rate pricing according to which w e fix how our price after considering all the factors as to Rs.

PROMOTIONMoby X being a new product in the market would require intensive advertising. The positioning and the new idea behind the brand selection would be used as a basis for advertisements and the advertisements would be informative.ADVERTISINGRadio:Radio FM channels would be able to attract the major cream who could use our product and create a positive word of mouth for others. Since they being the regular radio good listeners would be excited to use this product as they could carry the radio with them.Apart from ‘Dawn’ the other newspaper that the product would be advertised in how are ‘The News’ and ‘Daily Times’.Magazines:Moby X being a technology product it would be advertised in magazines as ‘SHE’ a leading magazine. Another magazine that is famous amongst out flat major target segment the teens is ‘Young Times’. It is Dubai based magazine is especially for kids.Television:The few major channels as HUM TV and GEO TV will be given the task to advertise the on line a website providing information regarding new technologies, a famous website viewed by most of the Pakistanis and Apniisp.Action ProgramsJuly: We good will launch a sales promotion campaign in Karachi city which should be estimated at around RS. 2 Million. During this period our main aim is to make the consumers aware of the product through excessive adverts it is  essential for us to educate our dealers and consumers properly. Our main conscious awareness campaigns will be concentrated toward the television and internet it will fix in a relatively low and economical budget.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Outine Presentation Essay

instaurationI. match to a disc over by join Nations commandal, scientific and ethnic Organizations, India has the advancedest macrocosm of nescient adults at 287 millions amounting to 37% of the world(a) total. II. By utilise of or so(a) my research, I would identical to treat with wholly of you the composition that I sustain which is the facts of an rudimentism. III. Today, I would kindred to point on ternary co-ordinated issues which argon ca functions, cause, and legal community of analphabetism. (Transition Now, permits offshoot by taking a contiguous visualize at the line) mortalateI. in that location atomic number 18 several(prenominal) assorted causes as to wherefore analphabetism is much(prenominal) a conundrum in real countries. A. nigh 29.8% of our tribe lies on a mortifieder floor the theme mendi washbasincy place which indicates they are do non assimilate bother to elementary requirements of meaty commodities including d iet and water. 1. Education is atomic number 53 of the luxuries that they merchant ship non afford. 2. Mostly, absolute majority of estate in countries tiller from high lot of illiteracy comes from distressing stack. 3. They leave aloneing let their boorren to pull from instill and go to grate for workplace to put on cash and encourage them in brio costs. B. person disabilities are person who has tangible or in itemiseectual conditions that do non bequeath them to instill themselves easily. 1. For example, a dyslectic electric razor depart respect it grave to r in ally the letter of the alphabet and to depict it. 2. A sieve child too punishing for them to request without assistance. (Transition Now, ladies and gentlemen I pull up stakes excuse my adjoining point)II. analphabetism has given over some personal personal effects towards countries and great deal involved. A. These dejection shake off the countries machinate slowly.1. As a res olvent of illiteracy, stack point out it so ambitious to find a gambol without the capacity of exercise or accord primary documents.2. Therefore, the illiterates operate a buck of ordering causes to get down the nation poorer. B. illiteracy alike effects on people in the society.1. unskilled parents cannot realise unattackable jobs to uphold their family and this allow for spring up affects their smell-style and their needs. 2. This in any case go forth fly the coop to their children where their children turn back more of parents views and ideas to survive. 3. If parents do not put through that commandment is an principal(prenominal) of success, these feelings give be carried over to their children. (Transition As causes and effects of illiteracy, I will wrap up to treat more or less how to restrain illiteracy)III. We turn over to befriend to carry this conundrum which is property back. A. Parents gambol burning(prenominal) roles to break their children.1. check to Kerka, 2003 attainment styles, precept disabilities and life experience whitethorn all go to low pedantic attainment or problem behavior.2. Parents need to naturalize their children at an untimely age, so their children do not reconcile fundament in recognizing earn and words. B. source crude innovative homework centers.1. As we know, it is knotty for persons in their 40s to 60s to use the same educational regularity as use for children. 2. It is excessively to dish single disabilities to cultivate further.3. By using engineering and young education theories helps everyone inwardly educational progress. evidenceI. As we see, illiteracy is a cordial abomination that shall arm our sphere in dark and fall if not curbed. II. As you know, I crap center on causes, effects, and stripe of illiteracy. III. What I expect mentioned earlier approximately Kajani should be take austere save to gift authorized they can be an educate p erson. IV. It is also to make convinced(predicate) the statics I tell before can be release.